On August 10, 1819, Simon Bolivar issued a proclamation to the people of New Granada (present-day Columbia):
"Granadans! America's day is come; no human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence. Join your efforts to those of your brothers: Venezuela marches with me to free you, as in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela. Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms; and the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of new Granada into the seas. The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty".
After having read the proclamation, you are to complete the following tasks by writing resposes to the following prompts:
Rewrite the proclamation in your own words and then simply state what Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada.
This short response needs to be posted by 8:00am Monday Febuary 28th.
Rochelle Dong
World History Honors
February 24, 2011
“Granadans! This is our time! No one can stop this revolution that is guided by God. Your brothers before you, join them! Venezuela is also backing us up, as a couple years ago, you joined me to free them. Already we have filled the areas of New Granada with weapons. These same people, very well armed, well throw our old, destroyed Granada into the seas. An entire year will not have yet passed without us having our new Granada, complete with all the glories of liberty.”
Simon Bolivar was telling the people of Granada to rise up and follow him to obtain the liberty and freedom from which they had been deprived of. He said that all the necessary prior arrangements were available, the people just needed to rise up with him.
Granadans! The America’s days have come; and nobody can stop this movement that is guided by the hand of God. Help us, your brothers: The people of Venezuela are already on my side to help you, as you in the past helped me to help the Venezuelans. Our advanced guard is already deep in your territory with our army, and will destroy the old Granada and throw it away! We will have Granada not even before a year, complete with all the liberties of this world.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is just calling for the people of new Granada to revolt and ask for the freedoms and liberty which they so rightfully deserve.
Granadans! Today is our time! No one can stop this revolt that is helped by God. Join your brothers that have fought before you. Venezuela is helping us since we helped them years ago. We have filled the areas of New Granada with weapons and guards. These guards will destroy the old Granada. It will take less than a year for us to control the New Granada in its full power and liberty.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is addressing his people of Granada and telling them to follow him to freedom and liberty. He also says that everyone is in place he just needs the masses of the people, since the old Granada has already been pushed out to sea.
People of Granada, America’s day is here. No earthly force can defy the might of Providence. Join your Venezuelan brothers and I in the mission for freedom, as you did for them months ago. Our mighty forces have already made their presence known to the scum who claimed the rule of these parts many decades ago, and they will march them to the sea, the same way that they brutalized our ancestors! Within a year, Granada will be completely yours!
ReplyDeleteSimply put, Simón Bolívar, is promising freedom for the native and Creole populations of New Granada. He appeals to them using religion and military might, justifying his cause in every right.
“Granadans! America’s revolution is now; no power in the world can dare to disobey the hand of God. Join your fellow Venezuelan comrades once again, as we march towards freedom and victory. Our army is marching, filling vast territories; no force on Earth will defy our will. Overthrow the new Granada, and claim it as your own. Cast these invaders into the seas in which they first came, and reclaim these lands as your won. When the sun returns from the heavens, we shall have our liberty, and our freedom from these dogs.”
ReplyDeleteIn his speech, Simon Bolivar addresses the people in Granada, trying to convince them to cast out the Spanish. He incites a revolution by promising freedom, liberty, military might, and religion to the Creole people.
“Granadans! Today is the day for all of America. Humans cannot ignore God’s almighty force and wisdom. We must revolt. Contribute to the credible cause that others like you are supporting. Venezuela is aiding my efforts so that you can be free, like you and I aided Venezuela when they wished to be free. The Venezuelans exhibit the saying ‘do unto others as you wish others to do unto you.’ We also have the support of our people who are ready to carry out the revolution. The powerful guards have their weapons poised and are prepared to destroy the people holding us back. We will be proudly free with triumphant liberty within in a year!”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is prompting the people of New Granada to join him in a revolution against old Granada in order to obtain the freedom and liberty that the people rightly deserve. He supports his argument by reassuring the people that New Granada has the support and resources needed to be successful in the revolt.
“Granadans! Today is the moment to act! Nobody can overpower us because we have the blessing of God. Join me and my Venezuela brothers to help bring freedom such as you did before. We have filled the territory with weapons and arms. We will destroy the old Granada. In a year we will have full control and liberty over Granada, with the power in our hands.”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar was suggesting that the people of Granada should revolt against the Spanish and follow him into freedom and liberty. Bolivar promises success by showing the people that they have the tools to win the battle against Granada.
"Granadans! America's day is come; no human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence. Join your efforts to those of your brothers: Venezuela marches with me to free you, as in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela. Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms; and the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of new Granada into the seas. The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty".
ReplyDeleteSimón Bolívar is known as El Liberator in South America and gained independence for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. In this speech, he addresses that it is New Granada’s fate to be independent from Spanish control and nothing can deny the Granadans of this future because they have many supporters to aid them in their fight for independence. He warns them of the ills of not fighting for independence because everyone and everything is supporting their independence.
Delpar, Helen. "Bolivar, Simon." 2009 World Book. Np, nd. Web. 26 Feb. 2011.
“Granadans! this is our time; nothing can stop gods will. Join all of us on our journey: Venezuela moves to free you, as you have moved to free it. Already our army is so large it takes up an entire province with its might. and this same army, with your aid, will destroy new Granada and throw it into the sea. And the sun will see your liberty every time it passes.”
ReplyDeleteBasically this speech is a request from Bolivar to the people of Granada. He wants them to rise up and join his army as it marches to free the people of Granada.
Granadans! America’s time has come! Nothing can stop the fate provided by God. Our Venezuelan brothers attempt to free you as you once freed them. Already we have filled the territory with the strength of our guard and their weapons. We will throw the defeated enemies into the sea from which they came from. Within a year, we will have Granada as our own!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar encourages the people of New Granada to fight back against Old Granada to gain independence. He justifies his argument with God, weapons, and military strength.
“People of New Granada, it is now America’s time to be free! No one can resist God’s will in this matter! Venezuela has come to free you as you freed Venezuela in the past. Our soldiers and weapons fill your land so that together we can fight for freedom. Before next year, you and your land will be free!"
ReplyDeleteSimón Bolívar’s proclamation to the people of New Granada on August 10, 1819 is a call to arms and a charismatic promise of freedom. His inclusion of images of liberty, God’s name, and the Venezuelan people as friends who will fight alongside them creates a very persuasive speech.
Our time has come; no one can stop fate guided by the hand of god. Help us in our cause; Venezuela has come to aid us as we once aided them. Our soldiers are armed and prepared to force out our enemies. A year will not have passed before we take control of our country.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada that it is time to free themselves from their oppressors and that he needs them to help make this possible. He also states that with their help they will have regained their liberties within a year.
Granadans! Our day has come: no one human can stand in our way as we are guided by god! Like our brothers before us we must stand up: Venezuela is fight with us as we fought with Venezuela in the past! Our advanced guard has already begun the assault and we have armed our fellow Granadans well! Our powerful army, with the help of Venezuela with destroy old Granada and throw it away! Before this day is done, old Granada will be ours!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of Granada to overthrow the European government and earn their liberty and freedom.
People of Granda! Our time has come. Nobody can keep us from our destiny; we have God on our side. We must band together; Venezuela has come to help, as in the past, you had come to aid the Venezuelans. Our advance guard is already situated in the heart of Granada, and is ready to toss the old Granada away. We will be free, and have a New Granada within a year!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of Granada to rise up and fight. He says it is their destiny to overthrow the old Granada. He reassures them that they have the support and firepower necessary to successfully revolt.
Granadans! Today is the day for America to fight back! Humans do not dare to end this movement when we have God on our side. Join your brothers, just as Venezuela does so we can march towards freedom. Do this just as you and I marched to free Venezuela in the past. Our soldiers are prepared to destroy the enemies and the year will not end until we have liberty and freedom!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is encouraging and persuading the people of New Granada to join him and revolt against old Granada. He ensures them that they are prepared and have the necessities to rebel so they can all obtain their freedom.
People of Granada, a revolution is inevitable. Stand up and fight with me and the Venezuelans like you did to free Venezuela. We already have forces poised for battle and we will gain freedom before the year is up.
ReplyDeleteBolivar is urging the people of New Granada to fight for freedom. Previously the New Granadans helped Venezuela become independent, so Bolivar is saying that the people of New Granada can do the same. He is also calling for this revolution to happen within a year.
“Granadans! Our day has come! Our revolution, guided by God, cannot be stopped by any power. Work together with your fellow Americans: Venezuela supports our path to freedom now, as we supported their path to freedom earlier. Already, our forces are ready to overthrow our oppressors and together we will forge a New Granada. Within a year, we shall have our New Granada equipped with glories of liberty!”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar’s speech is essentially trying to spur the people of New Granada into action.
This speech calls for freedom for Granadans from their oppressors. Bolivar makes the revolutionary movement seem impeccable, uses God for support, instills trust in the people by referencing the armed troops, and gives them an image of a free Granada with great confidence and pride. These characteristics make this a powerful and moving speech.
Granadans! This is our time to revolt while guided by the hands of our God! You must join your fellow brothers and take arms, for our ally Venezuela is ready to fight along with us. In the past few years we have helped to free Venezuela. Already our lands are filled with weapons and armory to face the enemy. With our forces, we will throw this old Granada into the seas to never be seen again! The year will not finish without witnessing in your beloved territory the liberty that we will have gained!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar, a Venezuelan military and political leader, was urging the people of New Granada in his speech to fight for the liberation from the Spanish colonists in the country. He wanted to remind the people that they can take back what was theirs and regain independence and freedom. Bolivar notes that the people have what's needed to fight against the Spanish colonists, but all they need to do is join forces with him.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy fellow Granadans, Our day has come! Freedom is ours! Freedom is here! Our godly struggle, willed from above, cannot be forsaken by any earthly man or army. Your Venezuelan brothers, with whom you marched, arm-in-arm to break free from Spain’s shackles, are here … for us! Join them! Rejoice with them! Our heroic Advance Guard, impenetrable, awesome and majestic, is sweeping through our great land as we speak, burying Old Granada into a deep distant memory, erasing our pain and sorrow. In less than a year, a new liberated Granada will be ours. Free at last, free at least. Thank God Almighty; we will be free at last! United we are strong. ꜟViva la revolucion!
ReplyDeleteSimón Bolívar, the great Latin American revolutionary hero, is calling the people of Granada to the street. He is asking his people to march to freedom with the Venezuelan people whom they helped to free. Bolívar’s dream was for a United South America, called Gran Colombia – but because of a protracted war with Peru, this was not to be.
"Granadans! It is time for America to stand up against its oppressors; It is time their reign ended and god is on our side. Your brothers, the Venezuelans are here to support you in your endeavor for freedom because in the past you were there to aid us in gaining liberty. The Venezuelans have advanced guards and military and already Venezuelan troops occupy Granadan territory, ready to fight fiercely by your hand;If the Granadan and Venezuelan militaries unite we can defeat your oppressors. It will take our combined troops but one day to regain the Granadans’ rightful liberty.
ReplyDeleteBrian Haist
ReplyDeleteMr. Webber
Honors World History
February 28, 2011
Listen, Granadans! Today is America's day, and no force or number of men can stop our revolution guided by God almighty. Fight with your brothers in arms; Venezuela's might for our freedom is with us now, as our own might was for their freedom. Our forces have already marched into your providences with brilliant weapons, and our same forces will wipe out the all of the damned that have invaded! The deceased will be thrown back into the waves of which they sailed on, and the sun will not set without all of your land again belonging to you with the glory of freedom.
What I believe Simon Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada is to join his forces. Their land is being invaded, so the Venezuelans are helping Granada like the Granadans helped the Venezuelans before. Bolivar is informing his men of the progress he has made, and is asking for more troops to repel the enemy forces.
“Granadans! The day of South American independence is come; no earthly power can now prevent that which is decided by nature, destiny, and God. Join together with your fellow Granadans, for Venezuela comes here with me to fight for your freedom, as in the past you fought for its. As I speak the front of our army fills entire provinces of your country with the shine of its weapons, and that same army will with your formidable assistance hurl the colonizers into the sea. You will be free before the year is done.
ReplyDeleteEssentially what Bolívar is saying in this address is that he has arrived, and that with him come armies and freedom. He states unequivocally that independence is natural and is destiny, and that the freedom fighters have God on their side. He then calls for national unity, and speaks of the armies he has brought from Venezuela to repay their debt for their liberation. Lastly, he promises that he will have no mercy for the colonial government, and that within the following five months they will have achieved their goals of freedom and independence.
Citizens of the nation! The revolution is in full force led by God’s hand; this is the time to make a difference. Let us march together with Venezuela on the way to freedom, as you did previously to free them. As we speak, new Granada is filled with weaponry, and these people who have an equivalent amount of arms will rid of new Granada. We will not rest until Granada will finally be free.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar was asking the people of Granada to rise up and demand freedom for their country. He said that all of the pieces were in place, they just needed manpower.
“People of Granada, our day has come. With the goodwill and guidance of god, we will be unstoppable. Work with your brothers for they will be of help. I march with Venezuela to come and free you, as you marched with me to free Venezuela. Our allies in territories near are ready to conquer the enemy and together we will form a new Granada. Then, within a year, we will have control over old territories and refer to it as, the New Granada.”
ReplyDeleteMainly what Bolivar was addressing is that he is there and that he has ambitions to overthrow a government. He knows that it is feasible and that he has many soldiers willing to die under his command. He also stats that within a year it will be a complete change and that they will be in complete control over the land.
My people! now is our time. With the help of god we are unstoppable. May we march to Venezuela and take back what is ours. Call on your friends, they will be of help. This is our time and everything is working and will work in our favor. We will beat the enemy together and we will form a new country. We will soon be in control of our land.
ReplyDeleteBolivar is addressing the people of Granada. He is trying to motivate his people to fight for what is rightfully theirs. He is taking command of this revolution and he is willing to die for this cause. He has faith in his people and knows that this task it reasonable.
Granadans! Our day is here! No one can stand our uprising that has God on its’ side! Work with the people around you, as Venezuela will help you too as in the past you have helped me to help Venezuela. We already have guards and weapons in the places they need to be, so with your help will destroy the enemy and form a New Granada for ourselves. In under a year, we will be in full control of this land!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is convincing the Granadans to rise up and fight for the freedom that they deserve along side himself. He is essentially giving them a pep talk, by telling them there are already people in their places prepared to fight and all he needs is for them to rise up now in masses to fight the oppression so within one year, the land that they believe is rightfully theirs will be completely under their control.
“Granadans! America’s day has come; No human can disobey the power of God. Let us all work together: Venezuela is working with me to free you, because in past years you stood by me to free Venezuela. Already, our army fills your territory with its strength; and the same army, fully armed, will push an end of new Granada out of this world. Within a year, we will have all your territory in our arms.”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is convincing the Granadans to join him in this war and earn the freedom that they deserve. He is saying that they all need to work together in order to accomplish this goal and must stick together no matter what. Also, he is stating that they already have some power so it wouldn’t be hard to gain all their freedom and liberty. In less than a year, they would have accomplished their task.
Granadans! It is our time now; No one can stop this revolution led by God. Join those who share your pain: Venezuela joins me to free you, as before when you helped free Venezuela. We have already provided much of your country with arms to fight, and together we will bring Granada to a new glory! A year will not have ended until we have our new Granada complete with new proud liberties!
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of Granada that if they join him, he will renovate Grenada so that all the people can have the benefits of freedom.
People of Granada! The time for American freedom has come; no human force can oppose our mission guided by God. Follow the lead of your brothers from Venezuela: they will help free you now, as you helped free them. Already, the Venezuelan guard and I have traveled to your land, armed and ready to fight. This guard, with your help, will obliterate the old Granada that has been ruling unjustly. When a year is through, the sun and the heavens above will look down and behold a free nation!
ReplyDeleteIn this speech, Simon Bolivar is convincing creoles and natives of Granada to fight against the unfair Spanish rule of their land. To inspire them, he is reminding them of the Venezuelan fight for independence and the support Venezuela is willing to give. With this, Simon Bolivar hopes to evoke a revolt for the liberty and freedom from the Spanish that the Granadans deserve.
Granadans! Today is when we become a country; Nothing can stand in our way because fate is on our side. Join together so we have a stronger rebellion: Venezuela will help us win our victory over the colonizers; we helped free Venezuela before and were victorious. Already we have an army, that fills the entire country with the passion to fight; and that same army of Granadan Rebels, with the help of the Venezuelans, will kick out the government and its supporters back across the Atlantic. The sun will not pass over head without seeing us taking back our land, upholding freedom and liberty.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people to rebel. He is assuring them that if they join the fight they will be helped by the Venezuelans who won there independence a couple of years before. He is also saying that they are strong enough to achieve victory and take over the government. At the end he also says that the new government will uphold the liberty to the people. So this is a rally speech to get people to join the rebellion against the colonial government of Granada.
Claire Nassif
ReplyDeleteMr. Webber
History, Period 4
27 February 2011
People of Granada! Today is the day that the Americans will fight for freedom from their oppressor, the Spanish. No force on this Earth, whether a soldier or entire army, can defeat us with God on our side! We must all come together: I have the support of the Venezuelan army on our path to free you, as in the past you have supported me in freeing Venezuela. Our elite army forces envelop your land with superior weapons ready to attack the oppressor; this same, powerful army is prepared to eradicate the old and corrupt Granada. The shining beacon of hope and liberty awaits us and by the end of this year we will have a new, rejuvenated Granada!
Simón Bolívar, a Venezuelan military leader, gave this speech to spur the Latin American Revolution against the Spanish Empire. Essentially, he is saying that the time is now and the turn over of government in Granada should be done by the end of the year. Bolívar promises the people of Granada that his army and plan iss superior to that of the Spanish and that the only part missing was the support and manpower of the Granadans. He did this in an attempt unite the liberated territories and create a super state, Greater Columbia.
Granadans! Today is the day that the people of America will revolt and will be guided by the hand of God. Let us march back to our territory and take back what is ours. Venezula's army has entered the territory and is ready to help you, as once you helped free Venezula. By the end of the year, we will have a new Granada.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is saying that the people of Granada can no longer be opressed by the Spanish and their unjust rules. He is asking the people of Granada to rise up and join him in fighting for a new Granada, and when they do overthrow the Spanish, the life that they will have in the new Granada will be better than the one they had while they were under Spanish rule.
“Granadans! America’s time has come, this is our time! God has shown you your path and brought you to this point, it is fate. Join the revolt with the rest of your brothers. We have aided Venezuela in the past when freedom was wanted, and now we are helping you to be free as me and Venezuela are now. You now have the support you need to put this revolution into action. Our forces are placed throughout your territory and have weapons which we are prepared to us for the destruction of the new Granada. Before this time next year Granada will be free with the liberty it should have had before!”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of Granada to revolt in order to get the freedom that they fully deserve. He is trying to sway the people by using religion and saying that there is no way they cannot gain freedom in this revolution when there is the outside help from Venezuela. Everything is ready for the revolution, but now he needs the support of the people and is calling on them for that.
Tony Ibrahim
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
Mr. Webber
February 27, 2011
Personal Translation of Simon Bolivar’s Proclamation
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar, or otherwise referred to as Simón Bolívar, was a hero among most Hispanics as he liberated Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and most importantly New Granada. He fought for independence from the imperialistic Empire of Spain, and re-ignited the flame of nationalism. For example, he continued the struggle for freedom in Venezuela that Francisco de Miranda set when he and his former revolutionary army lost against the Spanish forces led by General Domingo Monteverde. Simón Bolívar used his oratory skills to his advantage and won the hearts of the Granadans on August 10, 1819. This achievement of banding together his forces when all hopes seemed lost can be similarly compared to Napoleon Bonaparte in his last 100 Days. Just as Napoleon escaped his imprisonment on Elba Island and gathered his loyal forces for one last fight to the death, Bolívar was able to do the same, but instead, he defeated the Spanish powers and freed Granada and its people once and for all.
According to Professor Webber at Pacific Ridge School, “Simon Bolivar issued a proclamation to the people of New Granada (present-day Columbia):
"Granadans! America's day is come; no human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence. Join your efforts to those of your brothers: Venezuela marches with me to free you, as in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela. Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms; and the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of New Granada into the seas. The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty.”
This speech was not only full of symbolism and gorgeous prose, but united the people of New Granada, and allowed them to stopped being the oppressed while kicking out its oppressors.
“Granadans!” – My people who have been colonized by the Spanish.
“America's day is come” – A repetition of what happened during the American Revolution has come for us to do the same.
“No human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence” – There is no force on this earth that can stand up against fate that is on our side.
“Join your efforts to those of your brothers” – Fight for the cause with your neighbors Venezuela.
“Venezuela marches with me to free you” – Your neighboring country is by my side to liberate you people.
“As in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela” – Just as in previous years you helped me to liberate your friends.
“Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms” – As of now, our coalition forces rumor throughout cities of our presence and our large numbers and weaponries.
“And the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of New Granada into the seas.” – These same forces strongly helped by Venezuela, will exterminate the Spanish pests of New Granada out of our homeland.
“The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty.” – The year will not be completed without your great country and people to hold in it hands, liberty and freedom.
Thank You.
“Good morning, people of Granada. It is our time now to be freed. America shall no longer be under the control of Spain. No human force can halt God’s will; we will overcome the opressor. Fight against Spain with your fellow Granadans and Venezuelans: Venezuela is now your as ally as you have been theirs. We have already infused our armed troops into your country. They are prepared to destroy the Spanish and they will let no part of the Spanish New Grenada remain. You will be free before next year.”
ReplyDeleteSimón Bolívar, a prominent military commander responsible for the liberation of many American countries, is empowering the citizens of New Granada to fight alongside the Venezuelans to overthrow the Spanish government which is ruling New Grenada. He is attempting to spark a revolution for all of America that will bring liberation and freedom from Spain.
“Granadans! This is our time to fight! They cannot and will not stop us as we are backed by god. Join your brothers who we have fought for on previous occasions. Our brothers in Venezuela and I are here for you and we will fight with you. We have already filled the region of New Granada with men and arms. These men and arms will destroy the old Granada. In a years time we will have control of the New Granada complete with all the liberties of today.”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is quite simply calling people to stand up for the liberties they deserve. He says things are perfectly lined up for a revolution but all he needs is the population to help fight back.
People of New Granada! Your time is now. No one can stop fate and God’s will. Join Venezuela and march with her to freedom just like she marched to liberty with you in the past. Our army is huge and powerful and with your help it will force the colonizers from New Granada. In less than a year, all your land will be free.
ReplyDeleteBolivar was inviting the people of New Granada to “jump on the bandwagon” of freedom as Venezuela had already done. He calls for them to rise up against their oppressors and regain their rightful liberty. He also tells them they have the resources to recognize this ideal, and if they follow him they will be free in less than a year.
"Granadans! It is America’s time for independence, as is the will of god. Combine forces with my own men: Venezuela stands by me in this mission to free you, as you once freed Venezuela. We have already made great strides in the direction of independence by supplying manpower and arms. Within a year we will have victory, the gods will it, and we will aid you, the people of Granada, in its execution.
ReplyDeleteIn this quote Simon Bolivar is delivering a message of rebellion to the people of Granada, in an attempt to inspire their support to free them from Spanish control the same imperialist that once oppressed Venezuela.
Granadans! Today is our time! Nothing can stop this movement because it is guided by god. Join in the fight. Venezuela is helping me free you, just like earlier, when you helped me free Venezuela. Already the strength of our guard and its weapons fill whole provinces. This army will overthrow the new Granada and cast that which is destroyed into the sea. Before the turn of another year, we will have liberty!
ReplyDeleteSimón Bolívar is addressing the people of Granada, telling them to revolt with him, he provides them with why it should and how it is to be done, promising them liberty.
Granadans, the New World’s day of independence has finally come. Nothing of this world can deter our cause, for it is even supported by the Almighty. Join your brothers: the Venezuelans come to support your struggle for freedom, just as you supported them in the past. Our army already engulfs the country with its majesty, and with our Venezuelan allies, we will finally drive our oppressors into the seas. The year will not have finished when you may at last enjoy liberty throughout the entire nation.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada to revolt against their Spanish rulers and obtain the freedom and rights they deserve.
“Granadans! Our day has come. We are unstoppable on this path guided by God. Join forces with Venezuela, your brothers. You helped me free Venezuela and now Venezuela will help me free you. New Granada is already filled with our advanced guard and their weapons who will throw the old, destroyed Granada away. Before the year is over, we will have all of our land and liberty that makes up your New Granada.”
ReplyDeleteBolivar is psyching the people up; encouraging them to help him help them. He assures them that they already have Venezuela on their side and they will be well protected and cared for, with all the luxuries of liberty once they join forces and trust in him.
“People of Granada! The day has come for the Americas to rise up; nothing on Earth can stop that which was sanctioned by heaven. Work together with your fellows and compatriots: those in Venezuela are with me to free you, just as you were with me when we freed Venezuela. Those in the forefront of our assault already fill large parts of your country with weapons poised and ready; these men, which you shall help, will completely and utterly destroy your oppressors. You will be free within a day.”
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is clearly stating that he is ready and willing to fight and kill for the freedom and liberation of the people of Granada. Past favors (the Granadans helping the Venezuelans) will be repaid, with those already freed marching by Bolivar’s side. He also states that large tracts of Granada are already filled with the troops that will overthrow the Granadan government, and that freedom will be theirs within a day.
Jaclyn Hirbawi
Modern World History Period 7
27 February 2011
“Granadans! Today belongs to America! No existing power stands in the way of this righteous path made by the hands of God. As we have done in the past, let us join together. Gather your fellow Venezuelan comrades and march towards freedom. Our vast territories are filled with approaching troops and with weaponry; no force will defy our will to revolt. Let us forge an improved Granada as your own and reclaim these lands. We will gain our liberty and then bask in the sun of the heavens as free brothers and sisters.”
In his speech, Simon Bolivar addresses the people in Granada; he urges them to find the power within themselves to start a revolution by promising freedom from their oppressors. With enough human force, he also states that they can achieve their goal and regained their liberties within a year.
Granadans! Providence is upon us! America’s day has come! March with your Venezuelan brothers, the same noble brothers who marched with me to free Venezuela. Together we will be unstoppable! Our vanguard has already been deployed into our territory, and is hard at work distributing weapons that will allow us to destroy the enemy. Within the span of one year, the combined strength of our courageous brothers will have obliterated the enemy once and for all, and liberty will be yours.
ReplyDeleteSimon Bolivar is calling for the people of Granada to rise up against their Spanish oppressors, urging them to fight for their liberty. He promises if they fight for him, they will be free within a year.
ReplyDeleteJake Smith
ReplyDeleteMr. Webber
World History, Period 6
February 27, 2011
Simon Bolivar
Granadans! America’s time is up; no human power can stay this long on top it is our time. Join with your brothers, for Venezuela marches with me to rescue you as you marched with me to save Venezuela. Already our advanced guards are on their way, and are into the provinces of your territory. And they will hurl their fallen enemies into the sea. In this day we will have freedom.
With this speech Simon Bolivar was inciting hope and faith into the people of Granada to join him. For this speech will arouse the people and get them into the fight.
“Granadans! Today is the day for America. Nothing can stop us on this path to glory for we are supported by God. Join forces with your Venezuelan brothers who aim to help me free you just as you have helped them in the past. We have already made great progress in the direction of independence and we will finally drive our oppressors back. Within the year we will have the liberty that we much deserve.
ReplyDeleteIn this speech, Simon Bolivar is stating that he wishes to fight against the Granada oppressors. With the help form his allies the Venezuelans Bolivar is saying that they are unstoppable. With this power he is promising that the people of Granada will gain their independence within a year.
"Granadans! It is time to revolt, and the government's time is over. Venezuela has come to arms to repay your past efforts, and together we have found our way into every corner of the country. We shall cast out the old oppressors and find ourselves in a new age of liberty before the day ends."
ReplyDeleteThe speech acts as a call to arms for the Grenedans, garnering their support for the coming revolution fueled by Bolivar and the Venezuelans.