On August 10, 1819, Simon Bolivar issued a proclamation to the people of New Granada (present-day Columbia):
"Granadans! America's day is come; no human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence. Join your efforts to those of your brothers: Venezuela marches with me to free you, as in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela. Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms; and the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of new Granada into the seas. The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty".
After having read the proclamation, you are to complete the following tasks by writing resposes to the following prompts:
Rewrite the proclamation in your own words and then simply state what Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada.
This short response needs to be posted by 8:00am Monday Febuary 28th.