Dear students,
I apologize for missing class again today. I caught what my children have and I do not want to spread it to you! After having watched the film on the Korean conflict, please answer the following questions and post your answers to the blog:
Which country controlled Korea during WWII?
Why did Korea become divided on the 38th parallel after WWII?
Describe the North Korean invasion of South Korea which began on June 25 1950.
Explain advances made by the North Koreans until the UN and South Koreans were isolated at Pusan.
Explain how the US and other UN countries responded by attacking Inchon. Describe in detail how the Douglas Mac Arthur led raid occurred.
What happened once the US forces made their way up to the Yalu River?
Who was aiding the Chinese and North Korean soldiers by supplying them with weapons? Why could this country not involve itself directly in the conflict?
Explain how the rest of the conflict unfolded until the armistice was signed on July 27th 1953.
Why is the Korean War known as the forgotten war?
This page will be used for Mr. Webber's P.R.S. students to complete assignments and to communicate with fellow students on issues surrounding our 10th grade Honors World History class.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

The Berlin Blockade and subsequent airlift mark the beginning of the events that would come to symbolize the Cold War. Please answer the following questions using internet resources to assist you:
• Describe the post war division of Germany and why this led to tensions between the Soviets and the US. (explain the allies access to Berlin)
• What was the April Crisis?
• Describe how and why the Russians blockaded Berlin?
• Explain how the Allies planned to “save” West Berlin.
• What happened on Black Friday?
• How did the Allies use Operation Little Vittles to record a major propaganda victory over the Russians?
• Explain how the event finally ended and why the Russians finally decided to lift the blockade.
• Describe the Marshall Plan
All questions are to be answered using full sentences and all posts need to be made by 8:00 am Wednesday May 18. Also be prepared to discuss your answers at our next class meeting. I apologize for not being in class today, my daughter is ill. Mr. W.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Women as Spies in World War II

For thousands of years governments have relied on spies to gather information about their enemies. WWII was no different but until the 20th century, most spies were men. During WWII, however, many women became active in the world of espionage. For this assignment you are to research and then write on the life of one of the following female spies during WWII: Yoshiko Kawashima, Hekmath Fathmy or Violette Szabo. In your report, mention how they came to be a spy, their involvement in espionage during WWII, and their fate once they were discovered. After having done research you should also provide opinion on whether or not your chosen spy actually helped the war effort for her side. Please provide a works cited to accompany your report. This response needs to be posted by 8:00am Monday May 2nd.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Zimmerman Note
Monday, March 14, 2011
Battle of the Somme
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Simon Bolivar Assignment

On August 10, 1819, Simon Bolivar issued a proclamation to the people of New Granada (present-day Columbia):
"Granadans! America's day is come; no human power can stay the course of nature guided by the hand of Providence. Join your efforts to those of your brothers: Venezuela marches with me to free you, as in past years you marched with me to free Venezuela. Already our advance guard fills whole provinces of your territory with the luster of its arms; and the same advance guard, powerfully aided, will hurl the destroyed of new Granada into the seas. The sun will not have completed the course of its present round through the heavens without beholding in all your territory the proud alters of liberty".
After having read the proclamation, you are to complete the following tasks by writing resposes to the following prompts:
Rewrite the proclamation in your own words and then simply state what Bolivar is telling the people of New Granada.
This short response needs to be posted by 8:00am Monday Febuary 28th.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
T.R.C. Homework question

Do you believe that having the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission in South Africa was worthwhile? Would it have been better for the country if all those that had grossly violated human rights were punished in a way that would have shown the world, and reminded South Africans how horrendously cruel apartheid was?
Once you have responded to this question please also respond to at least one comment that has been posted by someone else in the class.
Student responses needs to be posted by 8:00am on Wednesday 1/26.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Apartheid Assignment

Write a first person narrative of what it would be like to live under apartheid in South Africa as a black person. Your writing should cover issues such as police brutality, employment, schooling, housing, access to health care, and your feelings about the policy itself. You should use information that you have acquired on this topic from our classroom discussions, as well as research that you have done on your own. This assignment should be posted by midnight on Monday 17 January.
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