Thursday, October 21, 2010

Battle of Waterloo Assignment

This task will require that students conduct extensive research before writing a detailed report on Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo. Student reports should include at least the following information:

* Background to the battle
* Date
* Place
* The countries involved
* The generals in charge of the armies
* The intricacies of the battle itself, including the role of Napoleon's Imperial Guard
* The outcome of the battle
* The significance of the battle for France, Napoleon, and Europe

The report should be a minimum of 500 words and needs to be posted by 8:00am Monday 1 November

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Napoleon Bonaparte Exercise

For this assignment you are urged to compare life in France during the French Revolution with life during the Napoleonic era.

Please write a one page report on how Napoleon filfilled the ideals of the French Revolution and on how he betrayed the ideals of the French Revolution.

Students might consider comparing two documents: A Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789) with the Napoleonic Code(1804) to help with this assignment.

This assignment needs to be posted by 8:00 Monday 25 October